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The purpose of this unique study is to examine adults with spinal cord injury and their romantic partner's impressions towards intimacy, sexuality, and relationship satisfaction through survey-based questionnaires. This study is conducted in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, McGill University, The University of British Colombia Okanogan, and Spinal Cord Injury BC with funding from the Craig H Neilsen Foundation Psychosocial Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. 

The Researchers

Dr. Meredith Rocchi
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor 
University of Ottawa
Department of Communication
Research lab: TIE lab
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Dr. Shane N. Sweet
Associate Professor 
McGill University
Department of Kinesiology & Physical Activity
Research labs: TIE lab and SCIPM ComUn
Dr. Heather Gainforth
Associate Professor 
The University of British Colombia 
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Research Labs: ABC Lab and icord

Who is Eligible? 

You are eligible to participate if all of the following requirements are met.

  • You are at least 18 years of age

  • Have a spinal cord injury for at least one (1) year

  • Are currently in a romantic relationship for more than one (1) year ​​

  • Have no cognitive impairments 

  • Communicate in English or French 



What is Involved?  

If you are eligible and would like to participate, you can complete a 20-30 minute confidential online survey. This survey includes questions regarding your demographic information (age, income, education) and some details about your spinal cord injury. The survey will also have questions about your relationship with your romantic partner, including your sexual relationship, intimacy, psychosocial needs, and relationship satisfaction. 



Once you have completed the survey and provided your contact information, you will receive a $25 cheque in the mail. 


Your Romantic Partner

We would also like to get the perspective of your romantic partner. At the end of the survey, you can provide the email address of your romantic partner if they wish to participate. Your partner will be emailed a personal link to complete a different survey. If your partner completes the survey, they can also receive a $25 cheque in the mail by filling out their contact information at the end of the survey. 

How to participate

If you are interested in participating, please click here to read the consent form and the study.

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